Ottawa-Glandorf Local Schools will be on a 3 hour delay today. 4/26/23
Ottawa-Glandorf Local Schools will be on a two hour delay today. 4/26/23
Attention current 6th & 7th Grade Players & Parents. Fall 2023 Jr. High Soccer Player registration is now OPEN.
Registration is done online here:
Registration Due by: May 23, 2023
Questions? Call or Text Brian Gustwiller 419-296-0394
Good luck to the cast and crew tonight, as they put on their final performance of the weekend. Great job everyone.
Congratulations to OG grad Tiffani Selhorst on her new position after being named as the Athletic Director at Defiance College.
On Friday, we hosted the 58th Annual Gold Medal Meet. Eight teams competed at the meet. Both our boys and girls teams took home first place!! Congrats Titans!